Episode 03

What We’re Missing in our Conversations About Leadership

For several decades the church has given a lot of attention to the topic of leadership. There are conferences, podcasts, books, and academic programs all helping pastors become better leaders. In this episode, we discuss the pastoral interest in leadership and what might be missing from those conversations.

Monday, May 25th, 2020 — Hosted by Chase Replogle

00:00 37:15

What We’re Missing in our Conversations About Leadership

In 2015, Jim published the book, Lead So Others Can Follow. It was a call for a different kind of leadership, what he calls “Spiritual Leadership.”

In this episode, we discuss the church’s current interest in leadership topics and what is missing from those discussions. Jim shares how he came to recognize the need for leadership to flow out of a personal spiritual depth and why ministers must find better ways to unite these two parts of themselves.